Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Cooking Hacks: Fry, Blend and Freeze Onions for Quick Cooking

frozen fried onions, quick cooking tips, cooking tips
Frozen fried and blended onion paste

There are times when you don't feel liking seeing your kitchen at all, let alone cooking for yourself and family. Yes, that's so true and applies to almost every women. For your ease, what you can do is, fry batches of onions, lets say 5 to 6 onions thinly sliced in a karahi. Make sure you deep fry them on medium flame so that they would not burn and turn into nice golden brown color. Once nicely fried, take them out on a newspaper, let them dry and crisp.

Then blend the fried onions in your blender with as much water as required to make a paste consistency.

Now the best part, all you have to do is take your ice cube trays and fill them with your fried onion paste. Once you are done, freeze them and there you go.


Quickest way to cook a shorbay wala salan and even gravies. You can make yummy Aaloo gosht, loki gosht, bhindi gosht, name it and you can easily cook it in no time.
You just have to take the cubes out and put them directly into the oil. Yes, thats it!

Now Enjoy Cooking without much hassle! :)

Saturday, October 10, 2015

My khala's Must try Naan Khatai Recipe (y)


- All purpose Flour 2 cups
- Ground Sugar 1 cup
- Oil 1 cup
- Baking Powder 1 & 1/2 tsp
- Pinch of Salt
- Egg Yolk for brushing on top


1. Sift flour, sugar, baking powder, salt together in a bowl. Mix well.
2. Start adding oil to the dry mix and mix it to smooth texture.
3. Oil your palms a little and make small balls. Flatten them a bit and slightly press in the centre.
4. Put a drop of egg yolk in the centre of each nan khatai through a spoon or finger.
5. Preheat oven to 180°c. Foil a baking tray and set all your naan khatai on it  with a distance of 1 inch between each. Bake for 15 to 18 minutes. Keep checking after 10th minute.
Once they are risen they are done. They will get hard if you over bake them.